08:30 PM


Let’s first address one important thing to know about shaving your pubic hair: there is not just one way to get rid of it. You can leave it as it is, leave some of it, go completely bare, or just trim it. No matter what you choose — your pubic hair is your choice. However you choose for your hair down there, just know there is always a way to make it feel and look its best. But what’s most important to remember, is no matter what you choose for your hair, you should always avoid wounds and/or ingrown hairs on the intimate skin that can create a discomfort and pain.

Do I have to get rid of my hair down there?

Most definitely not! The choice is yours when it comes to your body: your hair, your nails or even how you like to wear makeup – you will do what feels right to you. But you might be wondering, ‘The public hair doesn’t cause the vagina to be dirtier?’ Around the vaginal region, there are many sweat glands that can cause the skin to become more irritated and fragrant. However, with proper care, the sweat that may cause discomfort and bacteria can be gently removed. JEZ V offers solutions for intimate care, regardless of the hair.

Is it better to wax or shave?

That is the million-dollar vaginal care question. Both have its pro’s and con’s. Waxing should be your first choice if you want longer wait times between hair growth. The worst part – the pain!  Whether you choose to (carefully) wax yourself at home, or see a professional, the wax may not always be formulated with high quality ingredients. Some ingredients in wax can cause irritation and even damage to the natural pH balance that protects us from fungi and infections. Shaving is the fastest and most available solution that doesn’t require too much effort, but you need to know how to do it right.

Question is, if I choose to shave, how do I avoid nasty razor bumps and burns?

Trimming is an essential first step to avoid long hairs getting stuck in the razor (trust us, you don’t want those getting stuck). Next step is to hop in the shower and clean the pubic region with a gentle soap. After washing the area, apply some natural oil or cream on the public region. Gently hold your skin in an upward or sideways direction, and carefully begin to shave the region. Unlike the rest of the body parts, it’s important to shave the public hair with the direction of the growth, rather than against it. A common concern about shaving, ‘Does the hair really grow faster/thicker/darker?’ It does not! The hormones in your body control how much hair you grow, not how much you shave. Isn’t that reassuring?

What about all the little bumps?’

The bumps are caused when bacteria from the razor enters the hair follicle, and can result in unpleasant bumps on and underneath the skin. Usually it heals on its own within a few days, but if you do not have the patience to wait, Your Intima Cream can help soothe the intimate skin.

 I only have one big bump, what can it be?

Chances are that it is a hair that has grown back inside the skin (ouch!). It can go away on its own, or come to a head and will be easier to (carefully) extract. In exceptional cases, it can get infected, in which case you might need additional help to remove it — if you feel a painful, swollen marble, then seek a professional to help have it removed or drained.

So why am I so itchy after shaving if I did everything right?

Not to worry, you’re not alone! The itch is caused by a combination of dry skin and a new hair growth. To help avoid this itch, wash the intimate area with warm water and a gentle, pH balanced intimate soap before you begin shaving to open the pores. After shaving, applying Your Intima Cream can calm and the soothe the skin. Lastly, don’t shave the area without a lubricant! (Remember we recommended earlier about the oil?)

There you have it! Happy shaving ladies!

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