08:30 PM

First things first. Vagina and Vulva are two different body parts! Yes, you heard that correctly. 

We are breaking this down into the simplest of terms. While we know how much you’d love to know about each and every little particle of your vagina and vulva, we’re going to explain this simple and easy. No scientific terminology here (we just want to give you the basic info…)

VAGINA: The inside/inner parts of the female intimate area.

VULVA: The outside/inner parts of the female intimate area.

And yes, that’s as basic as it gets. So VAGINA – Everything on the inside. VULVA – Everything on the outside. 

Easy enough? 

Now that we’re laid out the feminine essentials, let’s address why you need to know the difference between the two. For the hygenic, self-loving ladies out there who want to take care of the body and all their lovely body parts, we know you want to stay clean and fresh at all times. But the way you clean your vagina and vulva are completely different. 


A basic fact to keep in mind: the Vagina self-cleans. Yes, you also heard that correctly! The vagina does not need any unique cleansing that makes it smell like ‘Citrus Breeze’ or a bed of roses. Douching for example, can interrupt your natural flora, which then throws off your natural ph balance etc. 


The Vulva on the other hand, is the body part that can be gently cleansed, and cannot completely clean itself. While it is perfectly fine to rinse the vulva in the shower with just lukewarm water, introducing a gentle cleanser can help with washing away intimate odors that may have built up on the vulva after a long day. Sweat and discharge that might be sitting on your underwear can have an effect on the odor as well. You may need an extra boost to get your vulva feeling completely fresh.

A gentle ph-balanced, natural feminine wash can help the vulva feel clean again. It will gently remove dirty, sweat, and discharge that may have been sitting against the vulva for several hours. It is best to use this kind of cleanser in the shower, and can be added to your daily hygiene routine. 

Aside from other washes available that help you achieve an instant feeling of freshness, Your Intima Cream neutralizes intimate odors for 3-5 days, so you won’t have to feel like cleansing your vulva each day (although you may wash it as you desire). Your Intima Cream is intended to be used strictly on the vulva. It is safe to use it on the inside of the lips, and all over the intimate area (all over the vulva).

It’s important to be aware of the difference between the vulva and the vagina so you can go ahead with cleansing and freshening your intimate area safely. Many intimate products are not intended for the vagina, rather for the vulva! 

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